Tuesday, 27 November 2012

A Youth In Transition

Okay, so this has happened before, but I lost my post that I spent ages writing. But basically these are a few test shots for my Higher School Certificate Body of Work.
These shots are not extremely conceptually strong yet, because they are only a test for lighting and pressure against glass. 

The model is my younger sister who is at the age that is extremely confronting and confusing. There are so many questions buzzing around her head, things like, am I allowed to talk to boys? Am I allowed to talk about boys? How should I dress? Am I a teenager yet? And of course, the many "what the hell is happening to my body and feelings?!" question that we all go through in adolescence. 

My sub-focus in this is innocence. 
Please let me know what you think, and if you have any ideas on how to improve these!

Eva Masterton Photography

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Adventure Time: Sydney City

Ok so this is my first time taking photos of a guy, so there aren't very many photos! I was taken into the city by Sam, (the male model) who showed me some awesome places around the city! Some I had seen before and others were great little places I never knew existed! We found an awesome ally that had bright blue clouds on the floor and walls as you will see in the photos. It was a great day, and by the time I got home it was dark! I hadn't even realised how long I spent walking around the city!

Anyway I took a couple of photos, and they aren't that great because I was shy to take photos of a guy and Sam was also a little shy. But he was great anyway :)

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Adventure Time: Ballina

This week I've been at Byron Bay which is possibly the most boring place on earth. It makes it even worse knowing that it's holidays and my friends are in Sydney having fun without me! Two good things that have come out of this trip were that I took some photos for the first time in so long! I'll put some down below when I'm done writing :) The second good thing is that I managed to start and finish a 1500 word essay with footnoting and a synopsis and the best bibliography I have ever done :D I know it sounds like the usual work, but it was a research task and I'm still in high school so it was pretty much the most stressful thing. I might add that my Grandma has a new puppy who is either being yelled at, biting you or crying. So a couple of trips to the Ballina Library was the place to be!

Anyway here are the photos I took. Actually not all of them, some are still on my camera, but these are the main ones anyway :)

Friday, 20 April 2012


Ok so basically I already wrote this post but I lost it. I said that I hardly took any shots and I was lazy on this trip. Afterwards I chose some photos and realised I had far more than I had remembered taking. This has never happened! I usually think I took heaps then it will turn out I took 3. So yeah heres a small amount of the many photos I took in Koh Samui, Thailand :)

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Review: The Juice Guys

I felt like doing a review of something a couple of weeks ago, so when I was rushing around my corner store, I grabbed some awesome looking Lemonade. It has a great name, The Juice Guys, and the bottle and packaging looks really cute and organic :)

I tried some and it really was as good as I hoped it would be. The freshness was perfect, and not too sweet like the sugar tooths like it. I'm not sure if anyone will understand what I mean by this, but it didn't have that strange after taste that so many lemon juices have.

The back of the bottle was creative too with little drawings of its ingredients. (sorry for the bad quality here, it was taken on my phone)

But overall, I would have to give this 9 out of 10. The only thing was that it was quite small and didn't last for very long. Other than that it was the nicest lemon juice I have ever had. :) Have a good night

Friday, 24 February 2012

Some More, the Same as Before

New day, Same outcome. Just can't get enough of the interesting outcomes of this one technique. Again taken by me, Mummydaddyme,  and my little sister is the model.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Light Test and new makeup test

Just testing some new white lipstick from Inglot and a new light from the hardware store. Getting ready for the real photo shoot :) this is my little sister who is only 11. she's pretty good don't you think?
Taken by Mummydaddyme